Migrating to Hubspot

Our dedicated team will help you migrate your data into Hubspot. 45% of implementations fail due to poor migration work. Using the people, processes & technologies we have developed, our goal is to prioritise getting your data into the Hubspot platform with ease.

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Lets look at some of the ways we will get data into Hubspot

Data can always be a small little bit daunting, we know this too and have invested significantly in ensuring that Data Import is prioritised by our team.

From Emails/Outlook

We can move information like contacts, emails & other information from your email provider - Outlook, Gmail or other & import this nicely into Hubspot for you.

From Excel/CSV

This is generally one of the most straightforward - We will help to format the data so it feeds into the respective properties.

From Other Platforms

Using the various tools we have at our disposal, as long as the data is available & can be exported via API or CSV we have you.

From ERPs

The main ones being Netsuite & Dynamics that we have worked with. However our team have also worked with others.

From other CRMs

Seamless migration from other CRMs like Pipedrive, Salesforce, Zoho, Dynamics & Others.


We have come across a number of companies who have all of their data stored in SQL & some in no SQL Database. When data is organized nicely in SQL its a really nice migration.

From your CMS

There are lots of CMS platforms that also serve as CRMs eg wordpress - we can extract the data from these systems & migrate into Hubspot.

Document Management Systems

Things like Sharepoint & others can be migrated to Hubspot. Lets have a conversation & we can look at your exact DMS to confirm.

Need Help Evaluating?

We have helped Hundreds of businesses evaluate CRM's over our careers, we know the questions you need to ask and the pitfalls you have not even considered. Let us help you on your Journey.

The 4 P's of Migration - everything needs an acronym!

  • Prepare

  • Plan

  • Proceed

  • Post-Migration Analysis

Setting the Foundation for Success

Begin by thoroughly assessing and cleaning your existing CRM data to eliminate duplicates and inaccuracies. Organise the information to ensure consistency and reliability across all records. It's crucial to back up all data to safeguard against any potential loss during the migration process.

Charting a Clear Course

Select the most suitable HubSpot migration services tailored to your specific needs. Develop a detailed migration roadmap that outlines each step with clear timelines. Assign responsibilities to team members and ensure everyone is aligned and understands their roles in the process.

Executing with Precision

Conduct a test migration to identify and resolve any potential issues before the full-scale migration. Execute the complete migration while closely monitoring progress to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Address any errors promptly to maintain the integrity of the data.

Ensuring Seamless Integration

After migration, verify the accuracy and completeness of all migrated data. Provide comprehensive training for your team to familiarize them with HubSpot's functionalities. Integrate HubSpot with other essential tools to enhance productivity. Finally, arrange ongoing support to continually optimize the system and address any emerging issues.


Need clarification?

How do we ensure data integrity and security during the migration process?

Ensuring data integrity and security during migration involves thorough planning and the use of reliable tools and techniques. It starts with a comprehensive data audit to identify and address potential issues before migration. Employing encryption and secure transfer protocols can protect data in transit. Additionally, conducting rigorous testing and validation post-migration ensures that data remains accurate and intact.

What is the typical timeline for a migration project, and how can we minimise downtime?

The timeline for a migration project can vary depending on the complexity and size of the data and systems involved, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks. To minimise downtime, it is crucial to plan meticulously, conduct a phased migration, and perform extensive testing in a staging environment. Using parallel run strategies, where both old and new systems run simultaneously for a period, can also help ensure a smooth transition. Regular communication with stakeholders and having a rollback plan in case of issues are essential for minimising disruptions.

What costs are associated with migration, and how can we manage them?

Migration costs can include expenses related to new software or platform licenses, data transfer, professional services, and potential downtime. To manage these costs, it is essential to have a clear budget and scope of work defined from the outset. Utilising cost-effective migration tools and services, and ensuring your team is adequately trained to handle the migration process, can help reduce expenses. Additionally, considering the long-term ROI of the new platform can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the value gained versus the costs incurred.

What support and training will our team need during and after the migration?

Adequate support and training are crucial to ensure a smooth migration and successful adoption of the new platform. During the migration, having access to technical support can help resolve issues quickly and maintain momentum. Post-migration, providing comprehensive training for your team on the new system’s features and functionalities will help maximize its potential. Ongoing support and resources, such as documentation, tutorials, and user communities, can further aid in addressing any future challenges and ensuring continuous improvement.

How do we assess if our current system is ready for migration?

Assessing your current system's readiness for migration involves conducting a thorough evaluation of your existing infrastructure, data quality, and application dependencies. Start with a comprehensive audit to identify any potential issues, such as outdated software, inconsistent data, or unsupported integrations. Creating a detailed inventory of your current environment will help in planning and identifying necessary upgrades or adjustments. Engaging with migration experts for an initial assessment can provide insights and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

What are the potential risks involved in a migration project, and how can we mitigate them?

Potential risks in a migration project include data loss, system downtime, compatibility issues, and user resistance. To mitigate these risks, thorough planning and risk assessment are crucial, including creating a detailed migration plan and timeline. Implementing robust data backup and recovery procedures ensures that data is protected throughout the process. Additionally, clear communication with stakeholders and providing training and support can address compatibility and user adoption issues, ensuring a smoother transition.

How can we measure the success of our migration project?

Measuring the success of a migration project involves evaluating both technical and business metrics. Key performance indicators (KPIs) to consider include system performance improvements, reduction in downtime, data integrity, and user satisfaction. Pre- and post-migration comparisons of these metrics can provide a clear picture of the migration’s impact. Additionally, soliciting feedback from users and stakeholders helps gauge the overall effectiveness and identify areas for further improvement.

We will test 10 of your records for free? Lets discuss over a 15 minute call